Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Finds

SOLAR SYSTEM SCORE:  Regular readers know we are active in a "Buy Nothing" neighborhood group, where neighbors post items they are looking to rehome and other neighbors express their desire to pick up said items. Today, this popped up in my feed ...
Why wouldn't want a Giant Inflatable SOLAR SYSTEM? I especially love that the box notes it includes eight planets, Pluto ... in other words, it's not counting poor Pluto as a planet. That would make Neil deGrasse Tyson happy. 

I threw our hat into the ring on the post, letting the gifter know we are space nuts and do outreach on occasion at local schools. Happily, we 'won' the set.  Annabelle drew a cute thank you card, which we left on the person's porch. Nice!
POP SOME TAGS: We visited the big Goodwill store on Dearborn in south Seattle today. There, treasures we found included a cool science book and a fun Star Wars-themed Mad Libs. Not bad for three bucks!

KIRBY'S TURN:  This morning we continued our coursework for our "Dog Emotion and Cognition" class through Yale University via Coursera. 

Like we did with Laika yesterday, today the kids put Kirby through the paces in a test.

In the eye contact game, you hold a treat (the kids used a morsel of Velveeta) next to your eye, and see how long your dog will maintain 'eye conact.' While Laika broke off after about 30 seconds yesterday, Kirby maintained for the entire 90 second test each time. 

Apparently this shows she's entirely bonded to the kids. 
I'm sorry, but I can't help but think it's because she's entirely bonded to Velveeta. 

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: This morning I received an email from a Web designer letting me know some of the photos I've parked/donated to were going to be used on a pediatric medical practice's Web site. 
Two photos of much younger CJ and Annabelle are in the bottom lefthand corner of the front page of the Web site. 

From the 'it's a small world' file, the practice is just across Puget Sound, on Whidbey Island. How 'bout that?

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