KINGDOM COME: It's still very much the pandemic, so we can't go to games, but we can still play them. One we've played a couple of times recently is Carcassonne. It's about building highways and cities and an monastery every once in awhile.
It's fairly fast, and pretty fun, if you win, like I did tonight, hahaha. Actually, I didn't just win, I pretty much crushed the competition. That doesn't happen very often at all, so I feel pretty OK about reveling in it. :)
CRUNCH TIME: Busy busy busy times here. CJ's keeping busy with college and Annabelle is right by his side each and every day. They do their math and biology lessons side by side, and it's good for both of them.
Meanwhile, I am registering voters ... So Many Voters ... each and every day. Public service announcement/plea here: If you're ever filling out an important form, like, say a voter registration record, please, OH PLEASE, take your time to fill it out in a way some who isn't you can actually read it.
I beg of you. I spent a half hour today on one reg form, trying to figure out the name entering every which way it might have been. In the end it was all for naught, and that's so sad. I WANT to register voters!
Also, it's good if you spell your own name right (yes, that's a thing). Oh, and you were not born in 2020 (yes, that's another thing). Sigh. It's also really helpful if you know your address. Just sayin'.
NAILED IT: Big news from NASA this week. They managed to send a spacecraft to an asteroid, do a quick descent, and pluck a sample. Pretty amazing!
According to NASA, the probe touched asteroid Bennu’s surface for approximately 6 seconds, hitting its mark within 3 feet of the targeted location. Not bad at all!
In the video below, you'll see the SamCam imager’s field of view as the spacecraft approached and touched down on Bennu’s surface.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I've tried over and over, but not sure the embed is working. Here's a link to the video:
One fun thing: We here MPA peeps had our name on the probe that touched down on the asteroid. So, we've been to an asteroid. We'll have to add that to our resumes. :)