Sunday, October 18, 2020

Weekend Scenes

HAIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW: A couple of weeks ago, Annabelle said, "It may be the pandemic talking, but I think I want to cut my hair."

I told her it's her hair and she can do whatever she wants with it. 

She said she'd like to donate her hair to a nonprofit organization. A quick Google led us to Wigs for Kids,  a nonprofit organization that has been serving children suffering from hair loss since 1981.

They had instructions on their website, including the requirement that donors send hair that's at least 12 inches long.

We measured her hair carefully and I sectioned it off. 

I lopped off each of the pony tails and then cleaned up the cut.

We're still going to make her an appointment somewhere to get a pro cut and color, but this step was a good start. 

Her hair is ready to go to its new 'home,' the head of a child in need.

BIRTHDAY GIRL: Sunday, Annabelle turned Sweet 16. It was a pandemic birthday, so that meant the celebration was a bit different than it might have been.  We headed to West Seattle where we ordered brunch from the Easy Street cafe. (Easy Street is an iconic record store that happens to have a quirky little cafe on site.) 

Because of COVID, we ate in the car instead of in the cafe. 

Afterward, we headed  to a new game store in West Seattle, The Missing Piece, where I'd reserved a table. We'd never been there before, so that was fun. It was a nice place, spaced out, people were wearing masks and it felt safe. 

We spent an hour there, played a game (Taco vs. Burrito), she picked out a new game (Betrayal at House on the Hill), then we went to Super Deli and played her new game (outside, on a table under cover), and Sunday evening she played D&D with her regular group online.

All in all, a pretty nice birthday, despite the pandemic.

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