So, I shared this newsflash with CJ and I found a diagram of pill bug parts which we reviewed. From further reading we learned a roly poly might have 4 to 5 different shells in its life, as it sheds old ones when it outgrows them. I pointed out to CJ this was really good news, because if the bug - er, isopod - is able to grow a new exoskeleton, having a broken one might not mean its demise!
HO HO HORROR: Let's just get this over with right off the bat. I am an idiot. I foolishly waited until the day before Halloween to try to procure green hair spray for CJ's costume. I should-and do-know better. What's funny is if I still lived in SW WA, I'd be fine. There would be a half dozen stores really close to home I could stroll into and pick up what I needed. But here in the big mean city, things are different. I have to compete with three million other people for things like green hairspray and non toxic white paint. ...
So today we stroll into the Ballard Fred Meyer today ISO the goods. I head for the spot where a sprawling Halloween display lived just a couple of days ago. But wait ... what's this? No orange, no black - it's a sea of red and green. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we are officially skipping Thanksgiving this year and going STRAIGHT TO CHRISTMAS. Oh freaking no. We schelp up to a small display of the Halloween leftovers, near the customer service desk. There, I mill about with the rest of the losers who didn't plan ahead. Needless to say, no green hairspray to be had. I envision the next 5.5 hours of me and the kids stopping at dozens of stores between Ballard and Lynnwood in search of the stuff. First stop - Walgreens in Ballard. Really just a drugstore, from past experience I know it has surprisingly weird stuff in stock, so I've got my fingers crossed. As we pulled into the lot, Annabelle noted, "They're named WalGREENs, so they should have green hair color." I LOVE that thinking. So we storm in, expecting/praying to find green hairspray and lo and behold, after Mom did the Spidey crawl up the shelves, I found a box of colored hairspray shoved way back on an 8-foot high shelf and SCORE!!! There was one can of green in there. I am ashamed to admit how excited I was by this.
GONNA FLY NOW!: Today was The Day. "Our" new park was supposed to have its construction fences removed and be open for fun! So, when it was time for Kirby's noontime stroll, naturally we headed down the block and up the hill. The excitement built with every step. Would it be open? Along the way Annabelle admitted, "My heart is pounding."Sure 'nuff, when we crested the hill, the fences were gone and happy kids were on site! There will be countless reports from Bayview Park in the future, so let me just say it was worth the wait!!!
UNDER CONSTRUCTION: About a month ago, when we were in Cookies, a local bakers' supply shop, CJ spied a haunted house (gingerbread house) kit and wanted to buy it. I told him we don't need no stinkin' kit - we could build our own, and that for sure we'd do that before Halloween. Well guess what? Today is Oct. 30. Since I am basically fanatical about not breaking a promise to the kids, today was gingerbread-haunted house day. We went all out. Our walls were fashioned from limited-time-only gingerbread Pop Tarts (tasty-but really too soft for our purposes-I wouldn't use them again). We had 5 colored sugars, cereal straws, Reeses Pieces, Halloweeny sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, fruit roll ups, Cracker Jack, candy corn and other sugary shapes. I made three colors of royal icing to act as our edible glue. We got our structures standing and as soon as it was time to decorate, Annabelle declared her intention to build a sweet house, not a scary house. Fine by me. So the kids spent about an hour decorating their places. CJ wanted to eat his immediately, but I was able to talk him out of it by giving him construction debris to snack on.
BACK TO SCHOOL: Friday night CeeJ and Bee walked the hallowed halls of their alma mater - Whittier Elementary, where they both attended preschool. It was the annual Whittier Halloween carnival. It was packed and chaos as always, but lots of fun and the evening ended on a high note, when CJ won the cupcake walk. Being the sweet brother he is, without hesitation, he shared his winnings with Annabelle.