It might sound harsh, but rest assured, it's a really cute pig - rotund, neon pink with a red tummy. That, and it has a fuzzy hide and fiberfill for innards - what's not to love?
The idea was to try to get a little reflex and muscle memory involved in this whole X times Y = whatever equation.
We started this morning with 6s. The kids have 6x7 down pat, as it's answer is also the answer to life, the universe and everything. 6x0, 6x1 and 6x2 are also locks. Turns out the others are all wildcards. :/
Our 'game' went like this - I'd say 6 x ___ and then lob the pig at them. They got one point for catching the pig and one point for answering the equation. Let's just say they got waaay more pig points.
Later in the day we did the pig fly game with 5x ___. Shockingly, they were better at the 6s. We'll be repeating this.
DEAL O' THE DAY: Midday we went to the big Goodwill store on Dearborn here in Seattle. There we made a great find - a complete, unopened model rocket kit with electronic remote ignition and 2 engines for just $4.99. Sweet!
We've decided we'll use it as our test rocket before we launch our SpaceX Falcon 9/Dragon capsule. Here, CJ shows just how talented he is. He can hold a rocket and read a book, all with his eyes closed!
LOST AND FOUND: We received a rather surprising call on our way home from Goodwill. It was CeeJ & Bee's oldest brother Rick, telling us his car had been stolen. Um, BUMMER!
I immediately told him that I thought he'd get it back, and to call the non emergency number for Seattle police. When I ended that call, I told CJ and Annabelle I had a feeling Rick's truck was still in our neighborhood, and that I wanted to drive around for a few minutes and look for it. We checked out a few streets within a few blocks of Rick's place, but we didn't find the truck. I called him back and learned that's because his truck had just been found - only three blocks from his house. It was parked blocking a driveway in the neighborhood, and was in the process of being towed. I picked Rick up and we went to the tow yard. The good news is, Rick got his truck back with no apparent damage in short order. The bad news is, it cost him $130 some dollars. BIG BUMMER.
A couple hours later we gifted him with a locking club for his steering wheel that came with an $1000 anti-theft guarantee. Hope that helps.
WE'VE BEEN WARNED: Last night, CJ let us know that he was going to make a move and "it's going to be expensive." He said his movie was going to be a live action story based on the game Portal 2. For props, CJ said he needed every single Portal 2-related product in the Think Geek catalog.
And so, last night, he started adding up the items. This morning, even before hitting his laptop (gasp!) he went back to the math.
BTW, first words out of mouth this morning were, "I need a green screen. How much will that cost?" I suggested to him that a green screen could be rather easily and inexpensively made. That idea was quickly dismissed by him, saying, "This needs to look LEGIT."
Oh, OK, CJ.
So he showed me a "legit" greens screen kit on Amazingly, it looked suspiciously like a few overpriced green sheets. ... He agreed with my observation, and then we watched a couple of YouTube videos about building a green screen.
By this evening, he announced he was planning to scrub his movie plans, as the budget seemed too big. I told him that might be too hasty. For instance, some fools put up $250 million for the disastrous "John Carter." We encouraged him to come up with a script - or at least a good "treatment" - and then we'll talk.