Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekend Rewind

FISHERMEN'S FALL FESTIVAL: Though the weekend provides a bit of a break from the "typical" school day, the learning doesn't stop here at Magnolia Preparatory Academy.

On Saturday, the kids were excited to attend the Fisherman's Festival at nearby
Fisherman's Terminal, where hundreds of working (crabbing, fishing, etc) ships dock. We jog down there all the time, but the terminal doesn't usually look like a fishy fairgrounds, as it did on Saturday!

First the kids enjoyed jumping around on a big inflatable attraction, "Mutiny on the Bouncy."

Next, CJ and Annabelle encountered a gigantic salmon! Well, actually it was just an average sized person in a salmon suit. Of course CJ was That Kid who immediate started giving the salmon some lip. "I know you're not a real fish. You're a person in a costume. You have tennis shoes on. Salmon don't wear shoes." The salmon was a good sport and actually let CJ have a close look down his or her throat, into the costume.

And then, were shocked to see a temporary trout pond. The kids have never been fishing before - but today was their lucky day. Annabelle hooked a lunker right away. CJ had to coax a trout to his hook, but he finally bagged his fish, too. Christian grilled the trout for dinner Sunday night.

The kids also had an opportunity to build their own wooden sailboat, which they launched on a maiden voyage upon returning home. Cool!

Oh, and they also had an opportunity to see local legend JP Patches perform for a few minutes.

All in all a fun Saturday, and it was an event we'll certainly revisit next year.

1 comment:

  1. JP Patches, Captain Puget, Wunda Wunda - now that was classic Television.
