Friday, April 2, 2010

Peeps Show

MARSHMALLOW MADNESS: By now, I'd guess most of America has heard of Peeps - a gooey confection often in chick and bunny shapes, especially popular around Easter. I'd also surmise that Peeps' fame is not due to their marshmallow-covered-in-gritty-artificially-colored-sugar taste.

Today, Peeps are famous for the semi-sadistic things that people love to do to them. Like microwaving them ...

Knowing that CJ would find the idea of microwaving and mutating Peeps hysterical, I searched YouTube for videos and I found the Most Awesomest Peeps video ever. CJ must have watched it 20 times yesterday:

Naturally, we had to microwave some Peeps of our own to see what would happen.

As I put the first one on a plate, CJ said, "Wait a minute! Let me get my shoes on first so I can run away if I have to!"

And so I waited. When he was ready to sprint, I had him hit the start button and we watched the Peep whirl and swell for 30 seconds. Mercifully, it didn't turn into a Godzilla sized monster.

We did some compare and contrast of the before and after microwaved Peeps. A bonus by-product of the big melt: Day-glo colored s'mores!

Yesterday, I promised the kids we could do some artsy-craftsy Peeps experiments. Specifically, that we'd be cobbling together FrankenPeeps or Peepensteins. In preparation, last night Christian went to the grocery store and bought an embarrassing array of the gawdawful things.

They were so excited about the marshmallow monsters, today they busted out of bed like it was Christmas morning. "It's time to make FrankenPeeps!" CJ trumpeted before sunrise.

We spread out the body parts in our 'laboratory' and I armed them both with toothpicks and knives. "Prepare to meet your doom, Peep!" Annabelle said as she sliced the first one's head off. Two hours later she was still going at it. (CJ had called it good after about one hour.)
APRIL SHOWERS: "Today it's rainy," said CJ, who's not typically one to remark about the weather. He was right. It was a downright deluge from about 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Christian sent me a link to a really cool, animated weather map (once you're on the site, make sure you click on the 8 image animation option on the lefthand side of the screen to make the map come to life). The kids and I spent a few minutes exploring the site and the different views/options.
BRAIN CANDY: While I'm sure no one would dispute the educational value of spending HOURS experimenting with Peeps, rest assured we did do some legit schoolwork today.

As a language arts exercise, I wrote several words on the white board (April wind later because rainy today weather) and told them they had to use those words in a sentence or sentences. Annabelle finished quickly, but her 'sentences' were riddled with mistakes she doesn't usually make (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc.). Of course, I made her do it over. And over. And over until she did the type of work I know she's capable of. CJ took quite a while from the get-go, but he was nearly error free when it came time for me to proofread it.
We also went on a virtual field trip today - to the Peeps factory, of course. The treat is made by the 87-year old Just Born Corporation in Pennsylvania.

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