Friday, June 25, 2010


DIRTY DOGS: Things have kind of gone to hell around the campus since we've been in heavy construction mode the last couple of weeks. The house was trashed the fish tank was green (and not with envy) and Kirby was a straggly mess. It had to end. And so much of today was spent in hardcore cleaning mode.

Thankfully, the fish are now swimming in clean water, Kirby is clean and the house is less disasterous.
KEEPIN' THE BEAT: While Musikgarten classes are on summer break, today we managed to keep to a Friday morning music schedule. I had the kids get out their bags and choose their favorite folder from the past year's curriculum. I asked them to create a scene with their cutout animals on it. CJ chose the meadow; Annabelle chose the woodlands. Then I asked them to compose a song to describe the scene they'd created. I was happy when neither of them hesitated a bit. I had them do it acapella first (like the CJ version below), and then they each did it with glockenspiel accompaniment.

After the songwriting and performing, I had Annabelle assemble a drum kit (made mostly out of Mariners Moose meal tubs collected at Safeco Field), and the kids took turns either being the drummer or the conductor.

I wanted them to drum along with a song they knew intimately, so (of course) I chose the Super Mario game theme. We found several awesome versions online, including one with a flute playing beat boxer, an 11-string bass player, a great piano version, and a great one with an entire symphony orchestra.

RARE: We have a beautiful glass vase on the counter. Empty. Almost all the time. It sits there. Mocking me. Meanwhile, there are flowers blooming all over around us. Today I decided we'd put something in it. Annabelle helped me gather some greens and a few blooms.

NOT A NUMBER: I thought it time for some tooning today. We turned to old friend Bruce Blitz for some guidance and inspiration. Today, he coached the kids through the process of turning a boring ol' Number 6 into an overly confident diver headed for shark infested waters. CJ's is on top, Bee's on bottom.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the artsy projects and the 11 string bass. almost bizarre
