Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Campers

CAMP SITE: Today marked the first morning of yoga camp for CeeJ and Bee. They both had fond memories of last year's yoga camp and were eager to participate in this year's incarnation.

Camp this year includes a musical element, which is something they were both looking forward to.
We got to the site (a neat-o old church converted into the Rainier Valley Cultural Center) a bit early. We checked out the mosaic sign in the parking lot as well as some artwork in the park adjacent to the building.

In the park there is a tall, slender sculpture. We noticed had definite Northwest Native style to it.

By reading the plaque on its base, we learned it is "Spirit of Washington" by artist Marvin Oliver.

Though both of its the sides appeared to be nearly identical, Annabelle noticed on the south side, the nose on the face sticks out a bit.

The kids raced to and from a huge tree in the park. It reminded me that when we came to the park last year, they were cutting down one of the enormous trees.

I asked CJ what they did in camp. He said, "We did some frogs. We went 'ribbit' all around on our mat. We sang songs - we had a long time at the music part and we sang a song about a frog."

Of course, if anyone mentions a song about a frog to me, my mind instantly goes to Three Dog Night's "Joy to the World." The kids had never heard that song until tonight. I have been remiss. Of course, through the magic of You Tube I was able to right that wrong!

I did see the group playing "Duck, Duck, Goose" - or so I thought - when I came to pick the kids up. I was later informed that it was "Monkey, Monkey, Anteater" in keeping with the day's rain forest theme.

While the kids were "camping," I went on a 2-hour walk around the Mt. Baker area of Seattle, where I gawked at hundreds of expensive lake view homes and checked out the lake shore.

AHOY MATEYS: When we got home from yoga, the kids discovered we have a "new" boat parked in our carport. They were pretty excited and played in it for awhile. They even had their lunch "onboard."

SO LONG, FAREWELL: This afternoon was a Big Bummer - the scope of which I think CJ and Annabelle (mercifully) don't quite understand. Their #1 play buddy from preschool to the present is moving to San Diego this week.

While I'm bummed about their moving, I did not transfer that to the kids at all. I spinned it that next time we see their pal it would likely be in sunny California and that I'm hoping via Facebook, Club Penguin and other means, we're able to keep in connection.

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