Friday, August 13, 2010

Checking Up

DOGGY 'DO: One of the first things we did this morning was clean up Kirby's act. I decided that it was high time the kids get in on the action. I figured it's good for them to learn that if you have a pet, you have to take care of it - that's under the "life skills" category, I suppose.

Secondly, it's always good to learn a trade. Maybe one of them will become a professional dog groomer some day. ;)

CJ did most of the hosing duties. (And, remarkably, he kept all the water in the sink.) Annabelle helped with lathering Kirby up (with flea shampoo - tis the season).

Once Kirby was clean, it was time to get rid of some of her cloud of hair. I armed each of the kids with some round tipped scissors and they started snipping.

CJ lasted about two cuts. I don't think he liked the feel of the clingy wet dog hair. (Frankly, I don't either.) Annabelle hung in there, styling away.

Kirby was so patient. She's really such a good dog (when she's not being a bad dog).

I told CJ it was his turn next, that his bangs were way too long.

"Bangs? What bangs?" he asked.

So, CJ got a vocabulary lesson along with a trim.

OPEN WIDE: In preparation for the afternoon dentist appointment, I had the kids read "Open Wide" by Laurie Keller. Whimsical artwork in a dynamic layout, and the facts about dental health are presented in a captivating way. It had enough "silly quotient" to keep CJ turning the pages.

We checked it out at the library and it came with an audio CD which was also really well done. There were great sound effects, a multitude of talented voice actors and even an "Open Wide" anthem.

After reading, we also did some math worksheets - a mixture of addition and subtraction in columnar fashion. They both got 'em all right. Nice!

Before long, it was time to head up to the car and out to the dentist.

BUT FIRST: Since we were going to have to drive all the way through downtown and over to the Madrona neighborhood, on the western shore of Lake Washington, I thought we'd better make it worth our trip. So, I looked for parks near the kids' dentist and just because of its proximity (about 6 blocks from the dentist), from a Mapquest map, where it was just a green rectangle, I chose Powell Barnett Park. It was a good choice.

As we pulled up to it to park, we saw a huge boulder with an inscription that the park was the recipient of a Starbucks "Ultimate Park Makeover" grant. Score!

I think the park had more climbing/play structures than any other park we've been to in Seattle so far. There was a section for little ones that included a cute firetruck. There were two steering wheels so the kids competed for control over which direction they were heading.

The middle of the playground had this awesome climbing structure that looked a bit like the Eiffel Tower. It was made of steel cables covered in red rope. One of the great things about it was that because it was cables, it moved when you climbed on it - and when other kids were climbing on it. That made it even more challenging - and a little frightening for CJ and Annabelle. CJ thought he should tell the other kids to quit moving, so he could climb. I told him I didn't think that would go over too well. :)

There's even a great paved tricycle course, and the bathrooms are hidden in a circular castle facade. Oh, and as an added bonus, while the kids were playing, I watched a skirmish between a bald eagle and a crow.

The only bummer at the park was its wading pool was dry as the Sahara. Budget cuts.

Powell Barnett Park is named after the Leschi Improvement Council's organizer and first president.

PEARLY WHITES: The dental assistants were ready for CJ and Annabelle as soon as we arrived. They were in side-by-side chairs, and I hopped between the two stations. This office, Lakeview Kids Dentistry, is a place you'd LOVE to visit if you're a kid. I wish they took adult patients! Everyone is friendly, punctual and competent and they have the coolest toys and tools. :) The kids each had a flat screen on the ceiling above their chair, and the patients wear headphones to hear the audio (which is also great for blocking out those annoying dental tools' sounds). Annabelle watched a "Dora the Explorer" video. That kind of surprised me, because this morning when Annabelle got up, I turned on Dora for her and when the cartoon character implored watchers to "flap your arms as fast as you can," Bee mumbled, "Yeah, whatever," through a mouthful of Cocoa Puffs.

CJ opted for "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs." At one point during the session, I heard CJ protesting, so I hopped over to his chair to see if he had some kind of discomfort. Apparently he was troubled because the hygienist was blocking his view of the screen. Geesh! If only that were my biggest worry at the dentist.

Happily, the kids both got a "no cavities" report. Hooray!

CRASH LANDING: At one point today I heard a pretty loud crash from CJ's room. I haven't even taken my first step toward his door to go see what's up when he pops his head out and says, "I can explain that to you. I can fix it."

Nothing like being proactive, CJ. ;)

He'd been jumping around to a video and the reverberations had knocked a lightweight nightlight off the top of the TV in their room.

About two minutes later: Crash! followed quickly by CJ popping out to assure me, "I can explain this again!"

1 comment:

  1. Again!!?? How funny.

    That Powell Barnet park looked like hours of fun. Seattle sure has nice parks judging from MPA's adventures.
