Friday, August 20, 2010


GOOD MORNING: When today dawned, Annabelle was fever free and feeling much better. Hooray!

Pretty early out of the gate she asked to visit the kids' portion of the Canadian Broadcasting Company's
Web site. There, she played some learning games, which isn't all that easy to do while you're wearing pink satin gloves.

JOURNAL-ISTS: We continued the "Diary of a ... " series. Writing from a dog's perspective CJ's entry for Friday, August 20 was, "I playd with my brother. We ate bones."

Bee had two days' worth of entries to do. She made up her sick day (Thursday) by quickly writing, "I love swimin in the ocean.'

But when it came to Friday's entry she stumbled into a writer's block. What to write, what to write ???

We kicked around a couple of ideas, and I reminded her that not every day is a great day, and sometimes diary entries reflect that. That was all she needed. She ran with it.

Diary of a Dolphin
Friday, August 20

How do you like all her curlicues on her letters? Nothing wrong with a little flair, I suppose. :)

PAINTING PINATAS: Our current pinata project is progressing. Kirby is stuffed and primed. Today, Annabelle helped give it a coat of pink on the body and red on the boots. We hope to have her/it ready to mail off tomorrow.

The Death Star got an extra layer of skin today. It's ready to stuff. After much back and forth in my head, I made the executive decision NOT to put multi colored lights inside it. I looked at image after image of the Death Star online and in none of them did I see any hint of light colored anything else than white, and the white lights were teeny tiny.

THE SANDLOT: This afternoon we were very happy to have a chance to get together with CJ's BFF from kindergarten. We met in the south lot of Discovery Park and made the short trek to an odd spot in the park. Surrounded by grassy meadows and next to a cliff leading down to Puget Sound, there's an expansive natural sand box. It's like a beach without a shore, if that makes any sense, which it doesn't, which is what makes the spot kind of special.

The kids got busy playing in the sand, digging and building. That kept them busy for awhile.

Later on CJ and his friend staged their own informal, impromptu wedding ceremony. ;)

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