Thursday, October 14, 2010

Short Story

PAIR O' 'PUMKINS': Our art project of today was borne out of crap I was trying to clear off my dining room table. (If that's not inspirational, what is? har har)

We had some orange wrapping tissue scraps and some green card stock. Rather than put it in recycling, I thought we should turn it into fine art. I recalled doing something with tissue paper and wax paper back in the early 1970s, when I was CeeJ and Bee's age. So we gave it a go.

First, the kids cut and tore the tissue paper.

Then, they cut out pumpkin outlines.

Next, we arranged the orange scraps between sheets of wax paper and then ironed them, to seal the deal, so to speak.

IN REVIEW: Our math this morning was the kids' first math "test" of the year. It was the review problems for Chapter 1 of their Singapore Math.

Annabelle was perfect on everything except still needs a little more time to get used to fill-in-the-blank patterns (she gets 3 out of 4 right, but gets pretty darn confused once in awhile). She'll have her "lightbulb" moment soon, though, I'm sure.

CJ aced his test and he was very proud. He loves seeing a big A+ on his work.

CONNECTING: This afternoon we were invited over to the Ballard home of a Seattle Homeschool Group member with a boy and a girl a couple years older than CJ and Annabelle. We went up to a nice undeveloped park by their house. It's completly forested, with just a couple of benches and some stairs as far as hard structure. When we got there, CJ said, "Where's the park?!" (Translation - where's the play structure?)

Despite the lack of plastic and bent metal, the kids had fun. They climbed hillsides and forged trails.

TOP SECRET: Tonight we four went on a mystery shopping assignment to an Italian restaurant.

The kids are getting to be veterans at mystery shopping. They know to keep their mouths closed (so as not to blow our cover) and their eyes and ears open when we're on assignment. :)

It was fun, free and pretty tasty.

I spent most of tonight writing our review, which is why this blog post is so short.

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