Monday, December 27, 2010


FIVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS: As I sat down this evening to reflect on Christmas 2010, it occurs to me that we really had five Christmas celebrations this year. In fact, our Christmas stretched from December 13 to December 27. Phew! No wonder we're all so tired!

Poor CeeJ was so sick for the past three days - he missed a lot of the festivities. :( In fact, here's his plate at the table for Christmas dinner. He was out of it for a good portion of the evening, but he did make it to the table to eat some Goldfish off the pretty place setting at his Nonnie and Bops' house. Naturally, by Christmas Day Annabelle was coming down with her (not quite as bad) version of the virus.

Despite their colds, the kids definitely rallied on Christmas morning. CJ was thrilled to receive the vintage Krang he'd asked Santa for, and Annabelle was so happy with the tiny pink accordion she got from him.Their gifts also included lots of LEGOS, so there will be some building in our future!
We also got some cool books and movies, some science-y kits and it likely won't surprise regular readers to know there were some video game-related gifts, too. Annabelle, especially, is wild about the new Nintendo DSi XL. Without a bit of help from anyone, she figured out how to use both of its built in cameras and its fun photo editing software. She LOVES the Wario Ware DIY game Santa brought, as it allows her to create mini games, make music, make comics and more. And on the game's Web site, there are avenues to download games others have created and contests to create games to certain specs. We'll definitely be following up on that. They're also having fun getting to know Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-land Mayhem. It's challenging, which is good.

PLEASANT PIT STOP: Today, on our way home to Seattle from a very nice night with Grandma and Grandpa in Vancouver, we stopped in Olympia for a break. We drove through the historic business district north of the capitol building. There are many cool shops and galleries there, lots of neat architecture and we even saw a sign for a children's museum. We all want to make a field trip of capitol tour and downtown Oly sometime in the future.

Today, our tour consisted of one spot:
McMenamin's Spar Cafe. We like checking out McMenamin's because of all the cool artwork and accoutrements their locations always have. The Spar was definitely worth the minor side trip off Interstate 5.

Built in 1935, the current structure has been a billiard hall, a saloon, a tobacco merchant and even a bowling alley before the McMenamins' arrival. Today, it has amazing chandeliers, a beautiful wooden bar and fantastic original paintings capturing the spot's history adorn the walls.

Interestingly, there's an artesian well in the cellar of the Spar, and the McMenamins are using its water to make their microbrews. Which, of course, reminds me of the old Olympia beer jingle, "It's the water, and a lot more ..." Above: Krang plots his overthrow of the Spar Cafe. (First, the Spar, next the state capitol!)

TOMORROW: It's back to the 'grind' (which really isn't a grind at all). Though they are still on break from music, Annabelle has a dance camp and they both have yoga and we're gonna get our noses in some books, for sure.

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