Saturday, June 11, 2011


photo credit - NASA/Bill Ingalls

LATE: This didn't get published last night per usual, as Blogger wouldn't let me save or publish anything then. Fortunately, they got the bug(s) worked out overnight.

AGE OF AQUARIUS: There's nothing like a rocket launch for breakfast! This morning NASA launched a Delta II rocket with the Aquarius/SAC-D spacecraft payload from Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. A joint mission with Argentina, the rocket carried a satellite which will map the salinity at the ocean surface. The info gleaned will be used to improving understanding of two major components of Earth's climate system: the water cycle and ocean circulation.

Naturally, I had to play The Fifth Dimension's "Age of Aquarius" for the kids while we were looking at photos of Aquarius and watching launch footage. They boogied down. CJ was impressed with the video's special effects (The Fifth Dimension floating in space on an upside down pie tin) given the video's age (1969).

NASA has a wonderful Web section dedicated to Aquarius. It even has a "What's Your Salt IQ" quiz that's very educational. Turns out my saltwater IQ isn't that great ... though it is a bit better after taking the quiz.

GREEN, GREEN GRASS OF HOME: We spent about 2 hours outside today, trying to tame the lawn. For such a small lot it's a lot of trouble (get it, get it? a LOT of trouble!) because it's a steep hillside and there are so many mature trees - not to mention weeds and fast-growing invasives like blackberries and ivy. While I whacked and hacked, the kids mostly played. Not sure what the game was here, but looks like CJ caught a live one.
Our lettuce is doing so well, I think we might have to thin it again. That, or CJ and Annabelle can just eat some more of the young plants.HIT THE BARS: While Annabelle was in ballet today, CJ was working on the monkey bars. He still hasn't made it all the way across, but he's more than halfway there. Here, he shows me his blisters. ...
No, I couldn't see them either. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Incipient blisters, perhaps.

    Some restaurants feature baby lettuce.
