Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Berry Good Times

BACK IN BLACK: We went on a short walk around the neighborhood today and what did we see? Some ripe blackberries on the bushes lining our alley! There weren't many - maybe half a dozen total - but it's a start, and we know there will be plenty more where that came from.CJ and Annabelle happily picked and ate all the ones that looked ripe.

HYPERBOLE HILARITY: CJ and Annabelle each had about two hours of free reading time this morning. They were both reading what might be their favorite blog (other than this one, of course - ha ha), "Hyperbole and a Half." It's hysterical. I think their favorite story is "The God of Cake," which is about a very determined four-year-old's hilarious campaign to get to the cake her mother had made for her grandpa's 73rd birthday. While reading it, CJ and Bee were both laughing so hard they were snorting.

MEASURING UP: Out of nowhere this morning, CJ says, "I wonder how my swimming is compared to Michael Phelps. ..." I told him that Phelps could arguably be called the best swimmer in the world right now. At that CJ noted, "Well, one thing is he doesn't need a life jacket. That's a point over me."

HAPPY CAMPERS: As promised, I'm finally posting some photos from the kids' recent camping adventure. As you will see, water figured largely into their activities. :)
To answer your question, no they didn't catch anything. ;)

They enjoyed time on a boat ... ... (here's CJ with a couple of his cousins) ...
... and they had tons o' fun being towed behind a boat on a biscuit/tube!
I'm told that CJ insisted that he was NOT going to ride the biscuit/tube, and told anyone within earshot. However, once he saw Annabelle and their cousin Ben having so much fun, he rethought his position. And what's better than a picture of that action? Why, a moving picture, to be sure!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was fun. Too bad Michael Phelps couldn't make it.
