Thursday, August 25, 2011

Party On

FIRST THINGS FIRST: The kids started the day with some self directed independent reading on the couch. I love it when they do that. :)

We spent about 2 hours putting the house back together this a.m. Amazing how badly things slide when we're working on a pinata and a custom cake.

DOWNTOWN: This afternoon's festivities involved continuing to celebrate Kennedy's birthday. Where better to do that than GameWorks?!

Since we were meeting Christian there after he got off work, the kids and I decided to bus it down and ride home with him to avoid paying the ridiculous $4 a hour for a parking spot down there. We caught the bus a half block from our house and rode it to Pike Place Market. Then we walked four blocks east and one block south and voila! we weere ready to have a grand ol' time at Gameworks!GAME ON: Thankfully, several weeks back I had bought four all day pass game cards for GameWorks via Groupon. We cashed those in today and CeeJ, Bee, Rick, Kennedy and Ken's GF played and played and played some more. It was so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you guys - riding the Metro bus. I went everywhere in Seattle on the bus when I was a kid. Madrona, Madison, UW, Golden Gardens, movies, Sick's Stadium, etc. A dime was all it took -

    if you had a dime.
