Friday, September 16, 2011

(Lion) King for the Day

UP TOP A.M. Right out of the gate this morning we headed for the summit of Mt. Magnolia (ha ha). I knew we were going to be running around all day and I wanted the kids and dog (and me!) to get some exercise in while we could.

So, Kirby and I walked the loop while CeeJ and Bee scooted and scampered for about 40 minutes. About 20 minutes into our park time, a family with four kids under age 5 showed up. Annabelle immediately fell into playing with their two preschool aged boys.

This morning, the kids big bro Kennedy took them to see The Lion King in glorious 3-D. They were soooooo excited to go. They've been seeing the ads for weeks now and have seen an old VHS copy of the movie, but were really looking forward to the theater experience.

It didn't disappoint. Ken reports CJ kept trying to reach up and touch things on the screen. CJ declared it "a classic!" when he got in the car afterward.

The only slight mar on the movie was a mean lady in line behind the kids. I dropped the trio off and when the woman walked up I heard her say loudly, "Why aren't those kids in school?" The woman with her muttered something and the mean old windbag said, "Liar liars!"

Honestly, I felt like socking her in the face. And then I felt like saying 'They aren't in school because I refuse to sacrifice my children on the altar of mainstream education' or 'They're too smart for school.' Instead, I said nothing, because Annabelle and CJ didn't hear her say it and I didn't want to make a scene. The wretched woman wasn't worth it. Did I mention I wanted to sock her?

BERRY GOOD: I hear tell that rains are coming this weekend. That means what's left of the blackberries on the vines will probably go dramatically downhill after the rains come. So this afternoon the kids and I took a bucket out to the alley behind our house and got to picking. Or, at least some of us did. Others, named CJ, mostly paced up and down the alley, thinking about things tech-related. He did pause occasionally to eat some berries, however. We also scored some Italian prunes.Walking back to the house, Bee said she wanted to make a Seattle Berry Salad, and that she did. She headed for the kitchen sink. "We know it's organic, but we still need to wash it," she advised.
She then cut the pits out of the prunes and chopped the prunes and mixed them and the berries. Bee was quite happy with her creation.


  1. Sounds like a great day at MPA.

  2. What to say to rude people? A difficult problem. How about "These two children have special consideration"? Or "You aren't entitled to make judgments and you should know better than to do so at your age"? Of course, they were just two old cranky bats with not enough real in their lives to think about. Steams me too.

  3. @ Nonnie - mostly today I find myself mad at myself for not saying anything. At the very least I should have called her a bully and asked her why she is calling me and two young children she knows NOTHING about liars. I have little doubt that her immediate and nasty reaction was because she goes to daytime movies so she doesn't have to endure horrible children who ruin "her" movies. (Like adults aren't rude in the movie theater, ever.) Ironically, she was the one being rude and misbehaving yesterday, not CJ and Annabelle. Have I mention I wanted to sock her?
