Thursday, February 2, 2012

Show Time

EXPO DAY: Yesterday late afternoon, CJ said, "My brain hurts." I instantly thought 'headache' and wondered if he was coming down with something. Turns out he and Annabelle (who says her eyes hurt and her head feels fuzzy) both have a tiny little something. But since they're not feverish and/or runny, I took them to their music class this morning. "The show must go on," I reminded them. I figured they needed the practice, too, as they're performing with their class tonight at the school expo. We went home between music and LEGO class so they could rest up. While there, I put some finishing touches on several dozen Star Wars cookies, and we put the final pieces of the kids' poster together.

This evening we made our THIRD trip to Shoreline for the day. There, we checked out all of the other students' displays - everything from models of the solar system to sewing projects to LEGO robotics. Also on display was the group build project from the kids' LEGO class - the space shuttle on the launch pad. Very cool!
We had a bit to eat and then it was time for the live performances.
CJ and Annabelle and their music classmates performed a couple of numbers involving the xylophone. Here's a crappy, blurry, dark picture of that happening.
Afterward, we watched a series of performances, including piano, trumpet, upright bass, singing, a play (in Spanish) and more. A few videos were screened including an entertaining stop-motion animation short featuring LEGOs and one rather animae looking sci fi short that was technically impressive. CJ and Annabelle both had a great time this evening and can't wait until the next expo.

Every one of the 6-plus dozen Star Wars cookies disappeared. They were much appreciated, so that was nice.

SHARING: This afternoon via a comment on yesterday's blog post, we heard from author Jeanne Walker Harvey, who wrote "My Hands Sing the Blues," about African American artist Romare Bearden. She has started posting collages inspired by Bearden/the book on a blog: . Through the magic of the Internets, she came across our blog post in which I reported that the book prompted CJ and Annabelle to make collages (both of which are still hanging on our wall), and she wanted to know if she could share them in her blog. I told her "Of course!" of course.

OH AND ANOTHER THING: Day before yesterday, I received an email from the Director of Science Communications for Autism Speaks. They'd found a photo of CJ on my account a few months back and used it for some publication. This time, their communications director was writing to see if they could use other photos of CeeJ for a brochure they're working on regarding science. I told them, "Of course!" of course. So, it's been a regular media blitz for us lately. ;)

SHADOWY FIGURE: First thing we did this a.m. was check the news to see what was up with Punxsutawney Phil. Turns out the groundhog saw his shadow, which supposedly means six more weeks of winter. Tell that to the flowering trees I saw today.

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