Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Show Time

ZOMBIE ATTACK!: Today, after many, many, many weeks of lead up, today it was finally time for CJ and his castmates to present their play, "Zombie Academy." CJ was leader of the zombies. It's a task he took very seriously.

We spared no expense on his zombie 'costume' - grabbing a cool zombie graphic off the Internets and turning it into a t-shirt transfer with our ink jet printer. Presto, change-o, instant stage wear! (In case you're wondering it says, "I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for BRAAAINS!!!!" And a zombie is holding an ice cream cone with a brain perched atop it.

CeeJ actually performed the play twice today. The first time was for a small private school with kids ranging in age from about 7 to teenagers. Christian was there for that and he said it went well and that CJ nailed all his lines. Practice makes perfect!

This evening was the performance for family and friends. Here, you can see Annabelle in the front row, enjoying CJ's performance. :)
It was a lot of fun, but a looooong day - 12:30 to 8:30.

Tonight, after it was all over, I asked CJ if he was nervous today at all. (I purposely did NOT ask him before. Why plant that seed?) Without hesitation he said, entirely convincingly, "Nah." 

Go CJ! :)

STICKY SITUATION: We're working on a couple of pinatas for an end of year party. One is a Death Star, because who doesn't want to beat the Death Star to a pulp? The other is Meowth - a bad guy, er, cat, from the Pokemon series, which is wildly popular with kids these days.

While CJ was at acting this afternoon, Annabelle helped me apply some of the slurry strips.
As you can tell by the look on her face, she wasn't too thrilled by the mooshy tactile nature of it, but she soldiered through. I think she'll like helping paint it a whole lot more. :)

1 comment:

  1. How long was each performance?

    No reason to be nervous if you've practiced, just excited to finally get to do it!
