Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fun & Games

WINTER CARNIVAL: This morning, we headed up to Shoreline, where the kids take math and science classes. But no classes for us today. Instead, it was a bake sale and carnival.

We took along a dozen pair or so of mittens.
Once we were there, the kids made some snowflakes (by cutting up folded paper),
They constructed some 'gingerbread' houses (graham cracker construct, but it was still fun!).
They also played some carnival games. They each spun a wheel of fortune (Annabelle hit the jackpot, which meant she got to pick a prize from each of several buckets!).
They both went bowling and fishing for prizes, too.

Good times!

While at the school, we also picked up their next batch of math problems for the Math Quest they're participating in, so their quest continues.

PUZZLED: This afternoon after we finally got home (a tire change at Target later, BTW), I had the kids each do a 100-piece puzzle.
Bee whipped hers out pretty quickly. CJ took longer (and got frustrated as a result), just because he was busy trying to read, watch TV, ask 1,001 questions and so on while working on his.
In the end, he came through, though. Way to stick with it, CJ.

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