Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Going to Pieces

ART IN THE A.M. The schedule at the kids' Shoreline school is different for the next couple of weeks. No 'normal' science or math classes. Instead, there are several workshops to choose from. This morning, the kids had a chance to admire some lovely layered collages from Panama, and then try their hand at creating their own work of art.

There were dozens of pre-cut fabric shapes in bright colors for students to choose from. They were already backed by fusible interfacing, so after they stacked them to their satisfaction, then it was just a matter of melding it together with a hot iron.

It was a fun project, and what a great way to use up scraps of fabric!

MATH QUEST: CJ and Annabelle recently signed up for a Math Quest. During the Quest, they'll get math problems to answer, and if they solve them correctly, they progress to the next challenge.
They knocked out their first set of challenges in no time this morning, and are looking forward to moving their avatars up the game board on the bulletin board next week. 

GAME TIME: Annabelle spent a bit of time on the programming site Scratch today. She came up with a game that involves the Scratch Cat jumping over logs rolling toward it. 

After she posted her first version (game), someone made a comment suggesting she add a scoring feature to it. 
So, with a little help from Christian, she managed to do that and was Quite Pleased with herself. 

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