Thursday, February 14, 2013


Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian
HAPPY HEART DAY: Isn't this lovely? Per NASA, "Generations of stars can be seen in this infrared portrait from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. In this wispy star-forming region, called W5, the oldest stars can be seen as blue dots in the centers of the two hollow cavities (other blue dots are background and foreground stars not associated with the region). 
Younger stars line the rims of the cavities, and some can be seen as pink dots at the tips of the elephant-trunk-like pillars. The white knotty areas are where the youngest stars are forming. Red shows heated dust that pervades the region's cavities, while green highlights dense clouds." 

HEART FACTORY: "When will this Valentine's business be over?" CJ lamented early this morning. 

"Not until tomorrow," I informed him, much to his chagrin. 

And so, we powered through the rest of his 50+ superhero Valentine pops. 
We definitely had a 'consumables' theme going for the holiday. For example, here's what we made for a couple of their yoga class friends - "You are the apple of my eye" attached to some Washington state apple juice.
And for the kids' yoga teacher, there was this one ...A tea tag attached to some Yogi "Breathe Deep" tea. She loved it.
For the yoga friends, we also made these cereal-themed Valentines.So, so cute (and easy)! 
And of course I made CeeJ and Bee some Valentines. They found them on their computers this morning. 
And now, thankfully, the Valentine's Day business is over. CJ will be much relieved tomorrow. :)

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