Friday, April 12, 2013

Awesome Thursday

AWESOMENESS: At one point this afternoon, Annabelle was having a heart to heart with a Havanese.

As she scratched behind Laika's ears, Annabelle shared, "We got an A on our physics final. Awesome! We got Paul McCartney tickets. Awesome! We're going to the Mariners game. Awesome! We got selected for the Pacific Science Center panel. Awesome!"

Busy, good day 'round MPA. :)

To expand upon Annabelle's points, yes, indeedy, we did finish our physics class today. We're thrilled to have completed it - all of us with a 90 percent or better average on the tests. That was no easy feat, let me tell you. Those quizzes were so hard they hurt at times. Today's test was no exception. I think I was on question 8 of 10 when I said aloud, "Well, finally. One I'm almost certain I got right." Sigh. Thankfully, my barely educated guesses were good enough.

One of the questions involved spinning a lazy Susan. The kids didn't know what one was, so I went and retrieved one from the cupboard. And so, in the middle of our test, we were all standing around spinning our spices. (No one ever said it wasn't an open cupboard test!)

Annabelle finished her quiz in about 3 minutes. I think I took closer to 10, and CJ clocked in around 15. It's not a timed test, so that didn't matter, really, but I'm still mystified how Bee could finish so quickly. Must be nice.

We're all happy to have "How Things Work" under our belts, and we're going to miss Professor Lou and his fun way of thinking about physics. 

Regarding Bee's Paul McCartney proclamation, we'd already bought our limit of pre-sale Paul tix through his Web site a couple of days ago, but needed more so the whole family could go. Since the show's at Safeco Field, the Mariners also had a special presale, starting today at 10. That meant one today's lessons was teaching the kids how to get seats when they're a hot ticket. By 9:45, we had four computers here cued up, plus my phone, which also has Internet access. I walked the kids through which price point level we wanted, how many tickets to request, and told them they'd have to type in a captcha code once they selected the # of tickets and price point. 

I instructed them that at 5 minutes before the 'box office' opens, you start trying to get in and you hit refresh refresh refresh forever until you get what you want, and speed is everything At 10 a.m. when the 'gates' opened, Annabelle was first to get in and she got us great seats. :)  100 level, on the aisle. She was very proud of herself. We all can't wait until July 19!

And to the last point, regarding the Pacific Science Center panel, weeks ago, I responded to a call for people/groups to apply to be involved in an on-going (3-year long) feedback cycle for their new and evolving Wellbody Academy exhibit.

In my app, I mentioned that we're veteran mystery shoppers (shh! don't tell anyone), that we're science geeks, homeschoolers, and included our MPA Web site. I was happy to learn we made the cut. Apparently there were hundreds of applicants and only 50 were selected, so we're feeling special. ;)  We were asked to pick a team name, and science-y monikers are encouraged. Annabelle set about making a list of science-related names, while CJ campaigned hard for "Team Flippy Hands."  Funny, but too silly. 

Out of the blue I suggested "The Neutrinos." Really not sure where that came from, Turns out it means "small neutral one" in Italian. 

Neutrionos are sub atomic particles which do not carry an electrical charge. That means they're not affected by electromagnetic forces the way electrons and protons are. A typical neutrino passes through normal matter unimpeded. Pretty cool. 

So that's the name we're going to submit. 

1 comment:

  1. PSC panel sounds like a fun deal, and useful to PSC. Good work. Bravo on the physics class.

    Good for all of you.
