Friday, July 26, 2013

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

FINITO: Today, we finally put the Singapore Math 4B books to bed. We should have had them done weeks/months ago, but we've been spending time on other things.
I played "The Final Countdown" while the kids finished their last few problems. I'm not sure if they were motivated or distracted by it. ;) This, my friends, is some hair!

We always ceremoniously put the books into the recyling bin when we're done. Today, I thought it would be fun if the kids threw them off the deck, two stories up. Here's the windup ...
And here's the pitch! Can you spot the two blurry books?
Afterward, there was a celebratory dance party. Here's what that looked like ...
BY COMPARISON: This afternoon, we headed for Chuck's on 85th, which is either your favorite spot to drink beer or eat ice cream, depending on your age.

Whilst there, we played a couple of board games, including Apples to Apples, where the dealer/judge throws down a green card and the rest of the players have to throw out the red card (one of seven they have) that they think best matches the green card. Whomever the judge deems the winner gets the green card. First one to eight green cards wins.

I got off to a good start, but since I ALWAYS LOSE, I didn't get my hopes up, even when I'd collected seven of eight necessary green cards.

However, when I saw THIS green card - phenomenal - I knew the game was mine.

I put all my hopes on Pee Wee and it paid off. :)

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