Friday, June 20, 2014

On the Eve of Summer

MORE TO THE STORY: "Earthrise" (above) is one of the most iconic photos in the history of humankind. It's our first look at us, from space, taken by the crew of Apollo 8 on Christmas Eve,  December of 1968. 

Frank Borman was the one holding teh camera, while Bill Anders turned the capsule and Jim Lovell fished around for film (not as quickly as Borman would have liked, as it turns out. You get to hear this for yourself thanks to an animation that has taken photos from Apollo 8, and seamlessly stitched them in with images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the original audio from the time when the photos were being taken. It's almost like you're in the capsule with the astronauts while they're scrambling to capture the historic image.

It's worth the watch! 

NOT TODAY: This afternoon, around 3 p.m., we tuned into a SpaceX Web cast, ready to watch a Falcon 9 rocket make its 10th flight into space. On board the 23-story-tall rocket are six ORBCOMM communication satellites.
Launch was initially supposed to be at 3:08 p.m. our time, but that came and went, as there was a leak in a line. SpaceXers tried to track down the source of the problem and were gearing up for another go an hour later, but instead, today's attempt to have 1.3 million pounds of thrust get those satellites up into space was put on hold. 

They may give it a go tomorrow. Updates here: and

A LITTLE RESPECT:  Our musical adventure and education continues, with today's topic being Stax and Atlantic artists of the mid and late 1960s. Both Otis Redding and Aretha Franklin had a hit with "Respect," a tune Redding wrote and recorded. Redding had a hit with the song in 1965. We watched a performance of his, and the heavy horns, a hallmark of Stax artists' recordings, were much in evidence.

Up next was Aretha, the Queen of Soul. We watched a very sassy Franklin pantomiming along to the original recording. Good stuff!

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