Thursday, July 3, 2014


FREE & FINE:  So, the Seattle Public Library has a neat-o deal where one lucky library card holder or so per day gets a free museum pass for an attraction in the greater metro area. Weeks ago I'd hopped online at the appointed time and scored us a free pass to the Seattle Art Museum for July 3.

As I was planning our trip this morning, it took me about 10 seconds to figure out that this happens to be first free Thursday (the first Thursday of the month SAM is open free to all comers) and so our coupon was for naught. Oh well, SAM, here we come! 

Not surprisingly, it was crowded, and there were multiple daycare/summer camp groups there. 
As always, the Ford Tauruses (is that a word?) hanging over the entry drew the throngs of kids' oohs and aahs.  Unfortunately, beyond this big display, the groups of kids seem mostly disinterested in the art, and were far more interested in taking selfies. They were about  5-11 in age. But I digress. 

One of the first works of art we encountered was this, on the floor of a gallery. It was a black and white print of a woman with a big ol boulder on her head. Yay art! :)
I actually rather liked it and imagined all the portraits and people I could put boulders on. ... 

We spent a lot of time admiring Pacific Northwest Natives' art.

When we spied this totem pole, I couldn't help but wonder if it was one of the earliest examples of the dreaded 'duck face' selfie.
We also studied many an African mask. 
And we admired amazing textiles, including this kimono, more than 100 years old
 CJ started a staring contest with this portrait of Dr. Silvester Gardiner by John Singleton Copley. 

CJ lost that contest. 
We all loved this whimsical sculpture of a rodent atop a sleeping man's quilt. 
And we couldn't leave without creating some art of our own!

I expected Annabelle would be all over it ...  
 but I was also glad to see CJ get in on the act, too. 
Here's his drawing.
HOME SWEET HOME: This evening we watched a brand new episode of Anthony Bourdain: The Layover, where he spends 48 hours checking out foodie points of interest in a city. Tonight's city: Seattle!

It was fun to see him visit many a restaurant we've been to, and certainly our list of Must Visits has grown. Link to the episode summary here:

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