Thursday, January 15, 2015

Flying High

WINGMAN:  The Seahawks are running a series of photos with the caption "We are _____" and fans are submitting all sorts of images that fill in the blank.

This one from The Yellow Jackets of the Naval Air Station on Whidbey Island is one of my favorites so far. Dramatic, isn't it?

MEANWHILE, ON THE ISS:  The six astronauts/cosmonauts living on board the International Space Station are reaping the fruits of the recent SpaceX Dragon docking. Look at how happy Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti is, surrounded by oranges in orbit!
"Thanks for delivering some fresh fruit, #Dragon!" she said in a Facebook post.

FUNDAMENTALS: We are continuing with our coursework for "Introduction to Classical Music" from Yale University via Coursera. We're only a few days in, but what a marvelous experience it has been so far. The class is about far more than classical music, it's about music theory and fundamentals.

Speaking of fundamentals, today we learned that 'fundamental' is the lowest note or root of a chord, while overtones are the consonant notes played over it. We also learned lots about downbeats and syncopation. 

Professor Craig Wright has also spent a fair amount of time talking about how music makes people feel, not just in a touchy feely way, mind you, but also talking about the science behind it. (For instance, brain scans actually show reactions we have when someone plays a jarring/dissonant/unexpected note!) 
Fascinating stuff!

Dr. Wright uses a lot of snippets of all kinds of music to illustrate his points. Today, we heard everything from Handel to Macklemore. 

I know the kids are digging the class, because this afternoon, I 'caught' CJ in his room listening to Richard Strauss' "Also sprach Zarathstra". Good boy!

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