Monday, May 18, 2015

To the Test

A SHOT OF CONFIDENCE:  It's going to be a weird week for us. We have to be, gasp, CONFORMISTS. The kids are taking the state mandated reading and math tests in order to be in compliance with The Law.  We're normally non conformists, but I'm OK with being normal at least one week out of the year. ;)

We did what we could to get ready. We took the practice tests online, more than once. We reviewed test taking skills and talked about what The People are seeking out of test takers. 

Right before today's tests, I had the kids each take a shot of confidence (in the form of Mountain Dew). 
Post test, they both reported feeling confident about their experiences today. CJ said he thought three things helped him:  The practice, the two shots of Dew Shine and his lucky shirt. When pressed further, he said he thought practice helped him most. :)

CONSTRUCT: This weekend had fits and bursts of decent weather. During one of those fits, I suggested the kids take a Nanoblock kit they've had forever up to the rooftop deck and work it out.

And so, they did.  Isn't it lovely?

CAN YOU DIG IT?  We're continuing our exploring-produce month. This weekend's introductions included turnip.  Gorgeous, isn't it?
I made a pot roast in the crockpot with lots o' remnants of our experiments this month. Funny, when all was said and done, I couldn't taste the difference between turnip, parsnip, and daikon. 

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