Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bronx Bombers

DAMN YANKEES:  Monday evening, we decided (kind of last minute-sh) decided to go to the Mariners' game. King Felix was going to be pitching and the Yankees were in town. The Ms had a special - a $20 ticket in the "King's Court," complete with t-shirts and "K" (strike out) towels.
We got there a bit early and watched batting practice. We stood right by the Yankees' bullpen and watched their starting pitcher, former Mariner Michael Pineda warm up, and visited with a family from Alberta, Canada, and a Yankees fan from NYC. 
While we were watching and waiting for the game to start, I told the kids the long, sad story of Alex Rodriguez, a whiz kid with the Mariners back in the 1990s. I told them how Alex was so naturally gifted, and he had a reputation for being a hard worker and polite. And then ... something happened. He left the Mariners, saying it wasn't about the money (it was), and his personal downhill slide started in a big way. His ego was a runaway train, and he, at some point, decided to start cheating, taking steroids. He was caught, repeatedly, and defiant rather than apologetic. He became one of the most hated men in the game, unpopular even with his own team, now the Yankees.
The kids heard A-Rod roundly booed with each at bat. Annabelle, who always has a sketchbook with her at he game, drew an A-Rod inspired pony.
Unfortunately, the Mariners' pitcher struggled mightily Monday night, and the game was a runaway about mid way through.  We decided to leave our lofty seats and make our way down to the concourse.

Imagine our surprise when we happened upon a group of gentlemen who were My Little Pony fans (some articles of clothing gave them away).  Annabelle gave the Bronies (male MLP fans) a couple of her drawings. They were THRILLED!  They thought her Pay-Roid pony was hysterical.

At the end of the game, we wound up visiting with another Yankees' fan. There all by himself, he was in the midst of a multi-city dream trip, following the Yankees on the road. 
He was impressed with all of the hubbub surrounding King Felix and the King's Court shirts and asked how he could get one. We told him he would have had to buy a ticket for the King's Court for the game ... and then proceeded to give him one of our shirts. He was VERY grateful for the cool keepsake from Safeco Field. 

So, overall, though the game was miserable, we managed to have a lot of fun and a memorable evening. 

FIT TO BE DYED:  CJ attended a pizza and tie dye party last Friday evening, and this weekend, he undid the rubber bands cinching the shirt up.  
We washed it (alone, of course, with some vinegar to help set the colors), and boy was he happy with the finished product!

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