Friday, June 12, 2015

Seeing Green

HEMPFEST:  Yesterday there was no post as we all were otherwise indisposed (insert a hospital visit, dinosaurs and technical difficulties here). Take your pick, it just wasn't happening here. 

By today, we were eager to go for a walk.

We purposely took an off-the-beaten-path-but-not-far-from-home path today. Within just a couple of  blocks we found a spot of great interest: An urban hemp farm, per the signs on site.
 Clever use of concrete blocks, wouldn't you say?

By invitation, CJ and Annabelle took a moment to take it all in. 
 This sign informs passersby about the differences between hemp and marijuana. 
 And another sign warned passersby (that's us!) about the perils of looting their crop. 
I hope our neighbors are able to keep their garden green for weeks to come.


  1. hospital? surgery? what happened?

    1. None of the MPA student body. I'll email you, Ruth. :)
