Monday, November 16, 2015

Down South

WEDDING BELLS: We had a marathon day Saturday, heading down southwest of Portland for a wedding.

It was a wet and wild drive south from nine to noon, but we made good time. In addition to the lovely wedding (in McMenamin's Octagonal Barn), we also got to see CeeJ and Bee's  cousins' great new place in Vancouver. Big bonus!

MUMMIFIED:  A few nights ago, watched a fascinating NOVA show on PBS about ancient Egypt. Specifically, it was all about the mummification of animals and insects, big and small. 

I'll let Annabelle tell you a bit more about it.
The PBS documentary “Animal Mummies” is about, well, exactlywhat you think it would be about. In ancient Egypt, the act of mummifyinganimals was done to make requests of the gods. They were also used assacrifices to the gods. Some of these animal mummies have just recently beenexamined using CAT scans to show how much the bones are actually remaining. 
A crocodile skeleton has been found that contains at least 8 crocodile skeletonsinside. They also found that many mummies from a certain time period appearedto be animals killed on purpose, or they barely had any bones in them at all.This was because when explorers came to Egypt, they were sold animal mummies and this lead to the mummies being a booming business. The mummies have been found in colonies of almost 8,000,000 underground where they have not been disturbed for many years. Mummies are very interesting and I encourage people to learn more about them!
And here's a trailer about the show:

You can watch the entire episode on the PBS Web site at this link:
IN TRAINING: As of late, CJ has been spending a fair amount of time getting ready for a tournament he'll be competing in this coming weekend. I'll let him tell you a bit more about it.  

Northwest Majors: Drop Zone is a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament that will be held in the Highline Community College in Des Moines, Washington. Super Smash Bros. Melee is a fighting game released in 2001, known for its large competitive scene and fast-paced gameplay between several different fighters. I will be going to the tournament in doubles* on Saturday, alongside my brother Ken. I intend to use Captain Falcon as my primary character, while Ken intends to use Jigglypuff as his primary character. Out team name will be "Top Gun", named after the famous 1986 action movie of the same name, and in the team, my name will be "Iceman", while Ken will be "Maverick".
*which means "two versus two"
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, no pun intended. You can expect a full report from CJ next Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Go, "Top Gun"!!. I know it will take all the skill and stamina you have to succeed. So, don't forget your PT as well as your strategizing.
