Wednesday, January 27, 2016


PHOTO PROJECT: This morning, we finally got around to test driving a fun Christmas gift, the "Instant Lab Universal." 

What the device lets you do is somehow use an app to magically capture a photo from your cell phone and print it out on old school Polaroid-style photo print paper.
CJ and I carefully read the instructions and followed them step-by-step.
However, our first attempt at making a print was an exercise in frustration. 

We hopped online and found this helpful tutorial. After watching it, we were successful the second go-round. 

The photo at the top of the blog was captured from my phone by the device, and appeared on the photo paper. Fun!

MAKING HIS CASE: CJ has been after me to watch a video about virtual reality. Today, we finally did that. 

Specifically, the 7-ish minute opinion piece was titled, "Still Skeptical of V.R. - Five Challenges for Virtual Reality." It was produced by a group called Extra Credits, which works to make video game design approachable. Their YouTube channel has over 650,000 subscribers.
The video makes some legitimate points about troubles facing virtual reality systems as they try to make inroads into the market place. Those obstacles include delayed implementation; splitting the market (right now the VR headsets on the market are not bundled with a specific system); video game developers not being all in when it comes to designing games for VR peripherals; VR games that aren't great, which means they don't get good reviews, and that limits the audience. Also, the price tag is prohibitive for most at the present. 

It will be interesting to see how VR develops over time. 

IN REMEMBRANCE: This week is always a somber one, as within a few days' span, it is the anniversary of the fatal launchpad fire of Apollo 1 (Jan. 27, 1967), the tragic loss of the Challenger astronauts (Jan.28, 1986) shortly after takeoff, and the loss of Columbia's crew upon re-entry to Earth's atmosphere (Feb. 1, 2003).

Tomorrow, NASA will pay tribute to those crews, as well as other NASA colleagues who lost their lives while furthering the cause of exploration and discovery. We'll be watching on NASA TV starting at 7 a.m. Pacific Time on the 28th for a live special from the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex.

The program is scheduled to include keynote speaker Barbara Morgan, a retired astronaut, 
Walt Disney World’s “Voices of Liberty,” speaker Robert Cabana, Director of Kennedy Space Center, a reading of names by retired astronaut Jon McBride and a flyover by Florida Air National Guard.

I'll never forget standing 
under the platform at Launch Complex 34, in 2011. That ground has been the site of such great sorrow (Apollo 1) and triumph (men on the moon!).
I also spent some time on these benches in a quiet corner of the site. 
"The conquest of space is worth the risk of life" - Gus Grissom, Cmdr Apollo 1

IN PROGRESS: Today we got back to work on a picture book project that seems to be in Year Two of development. We're so close to being done. I think maybe four pages tops (out of what will be about thirty total). Fingers crossed we can finish it within the week!

1 comment:

  1. I remember those losses well.

    Exciting news about the book.
