Wednesday, March 23, 2016


DOING THE DUTY:  Today was not normal. It was not normal in the sense that I spent it encased in an unfamiliar building, in a room with ugly carpet and no windows, surrounded by a 100 plus strangers and doing NOTHING.

Welcome to jury duty.

I've actually kind of always wanted to be called to serve. But today changed my mind about that, LOL. 

I knew it wouldn't be the courtroom drama one sees on TV, but I was hoping for something more than, well nothing. Out of the enormous pool of dozens upon dozens of potential jurors, not a single person was actually called to potentially serve on a panel. 

I explained my experience to the kids and Annabelle recreated it in this sketch.
I purposely sat in a far off corner of the room. My nearest seat neighbor was about 20 some years my elder and he was also purposely sitting in a remote corner of the room, I'd guess. About every 28 minutes he'd mutter something under his breath to no one in particular, and it would always be peppered with profanity.

When the Person in Charge of the jurors' pool announced we were released for the day, the gentleman turned to me and said, "I missed my bridge lesson for this?!"

I commiserated with him and he went on to mumble that he was too old to learn bridge anyway. At that, I actually disagreed with him, and said science has proven that games like bridge are very good for the brain. I had my "I Heart NASA" bag over my shoulder, so hopefully that gave me some kind of scientific street cred.

Can't wait to go back tomorrow!

In other news, random shot of pretty tree against cool main branch of Seattle Public Libraries.
While I was doing NOTHING, Christian and the kids did the daily something at MPA. I trust their day was more entertaining than mine.


  1. I served on a jury in Los Angeles about a decade or so ago. It was simultaneously educational and depressing, and NOTHING like TV.

    And then last year I got dismissed in voir dire for nearly starting a fight with one of the lawyers about the epistemology of "intention" :p

    1. I'm going to have to file away the epistemology argument as a potential way to get dismissed in the future. Brilliant!
