Monday, August 1, 2016

Happy Trails

PRESS SPACEBAR TO CONTINUE:  It was a busy weekend 'round MPA. Lots of campus beautification (a/k/a yard work), we watched multiple ISS flyovers, worked on modding an old NES console to turn it into a high definition output device (until we found out the kit we ordered was missing parts, sigh), and our family put out what was almost certainly an arson fire on Capitol Hill on Sunday afternoon. No biggie ... 

We also managed to fit in some time to play a brand new old game - "The Oregon Trail." You almost certainly have to have heard of the computer game of the same name. A computer game originally developed by Don Rawitsch, Bill Heinemann, and Paul Dillenberger It's been around since 1971. The game was designed to teach students about the harsh realities of pioneer life back in the early 19th century. I'm here to tell you, those lessons live on.

Yesterday morning I read that Target was exclusively offering a board game version of the classic and I immediately hopped on to try to hunt down a copy. 

We had to drive all the way down to Renton to get our copy, but at least we were able to get some good Pokemon GO play in along the way.

Sunday afternoon, we cracked the box open and took on The Oregon Trail.

It started out so well. ... We were excited to strike out from Independence, Mo., for the fertile Willamette Valley We did well for a few hundred miles, then things started to go sideways. 

Broken axles, broken arms, measles, oxen dropping like flies. I was the first to go. 

Dysentery, of course. It got CJ ("Ezekial Zanderfruit"), too, and poor Bee ("Dolly") died of a snake bite somewhere east of the Cascades. Christian ("Clem") was the last pioneer in our party standing until he succumbed to cholera and typhoid. 

The brand new card game is every bit as brutal as the old computer game. And every bit as fun. 
We gave the game another go today. I think we all perished even more quickly than yesterday, despite it being our second time on the Trail. 

CJ ("Rufus") was out first. He failed to ford a river. 

I was second to exit. Snakebit. At least the end came quickly.

Annabelle ("Dorothy" or "Dot") was a victim of that darn dysentery.

Once again, Christian ("Festus")was the sole survivor, and once again, he was overwhelmed by going it alone.  Typhoid got him quicker than it did yesterday.
Bummer, Festus.

But once again, dying has never been more fun. 

We were playing the game out in public and people flock to its sight like moths to a light. So many have such fond Oregon Trail memories, it seems. It's definitely our new favorite old game. :)

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