Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Learning Everywhere

TABLETOP FUN: Everywhere we go, we have a big art supplies bag along for the ride. It comes in handy, as Annabelle is always ready to get crafty. In just a few minutes, she churned out a half dozen adorable bookmarks yesterday afternoon. 

We also often have games or science-y magazines in the car. Yesterday, while enjoying ice cream, beverages and the Olympics at a local business, we checked out a recent garage sale find: "The Crazy Scientist 20 Amazing Science Tricks."  It's a set of cards with instructions for science experiments. The metal box the deck comes in says the 'tricks' are for ages 6 to 99 by the box's label. (Sorry, centenarians, you're out of luck, I guess. )
The kids tried out a "Blooming flowers' activity. It's pretty simply, you draw a flower on paper, cut the flower out, fold the petals, and place the paper in water. The petals slowly open up to reveal whatever it was you wrote or drew on your flower. 
 Our blooming flower touts a scientific message!  
The card explained that the reason the flower 'blooms' is because paper is made of wood, and "one of the tree's abilities is to absorb water from the ground and push it up to the top of the tree," and that paper inherits this wicking ability. 

GIMME A BRAKE: This weekend, we made time for some automotive repair and maintenance. That included new shoes (brake shoes, that is), for the Fit.
 I made sure the kids watched at least part of the process. I think it's important to know how something you use every day works. The process prompted a number of good conversations about physics. Teachable moments abound!

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