Thursday, September 1, 2016


ANCIENT MYSTERIES REVEALED: We went to some stores today. Many, many stores. Seven in four hours, by my count. Have I ever mentioned my disdain for shopping? It still holds true. But we soldiered on, because we had to.

One of our stops included Goodwill. There, in the board game section, we found something remarkable. One of the wonders of the world, if you will. Stonehenge.
That's right, the prehistoric monument constructed amidst a dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments and several hundred burial mounds. It was ours, for just $6.99. Miraculous.
We could hardly wait to open the box to "Build Your Own Ancient Wonder."

From the kit's description on Amazon, "This kit includes 16 Stonehenge rocks, a landscaped mat, and a 32-page guide capturing the possibilities of this ancient wonder. To this day, no one can explain the mystery and splendor of Stonehenge, but now you can replicate this extraordinary monument!"

It took the kids about 40 seconds to build. 
And there you see it, in all its glory, above.

All jesting aside, fortunately, we got to see the real 'live' Stonehenge ourselves three years ago this month (photos from the site above and below). It truly was wondrous!

ABOUT FACE: Our very first stop today was a grocery store in our neighborhood. We went there looking for a specific bread and some special pickles. However, the shopping list went out the window as soon as we entered the store and saw these. ...
Ziggy Stardust and Labyrinth-inspired masks in the entryway our local *grocery* store?! 
Unexpected,to say the least. Of course we bought them.

As soon as we got home, the kids tried Ziggy on. And as much as I love all things Bowie, I have to admit they weirded me out a bit ...
Love the kids, but I guess I like Bowie's face best on Bowie.

Anyway, if you want or need one of your own, the Ziggy masks are the product of a company called Mamelok

1 comment:

  1. 7 stores in four hours doesn't sound possible unless you are in a mall
