Wednesday, November 2, 2016


INSIDE OUT: See that above? It's the innards of a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). 

For weeks now, one of our NES's has been torn apart, undergoing a modification to supposedly transform it to a Hi-Def NES via a kit from Game-Tech.
The initial work was stymied by the fact the kit was missing two super important parts (the interposing boards). Fortunately, we eventually convinced the retailer that we didn't receive those, and so those parts were shipped. The project has taken a back burner for a long while, but got back on track this week. After following the instructions online, it was a big disappointment that the update/upgrade didn't work as hoped. Of course, all the steps will be checked and re-checked. Things often don't work out as quickly or easily as planned. ...

Yes, I know Halloween is over, but I have a zombie-loving friend who deserves a cake, so that's what we're working on. An early version (pre-accent painting) of some zombie fingers.

1 comment:

  1. Very very few technical efforts work the first time unless they are tested and tested at every step possible along the way. An obscure kit like the one you are dealing with has not been tested very much.
