Thursday, March 9, 2017

If a Tree Falls

UNSCHEDULED: So, we've been doing and learning stuff the last couple of days, but we've also been dealing with unscheduled activities. Like massive tree limbs raining down in our alley.

There's a lovely old willow next door to us. Emphasis on the word old. And, in this case, rotten. You don't have to be an arborist to eyeball it and recognize from a distance this this tree has issues.

Yesterday, one of those issues came crashing down into our alley. Fortunately, no one was under it when it happened.
You can't see from the shot above, as the limb is shrouded by many willowy branches, but it was a good 12-plus inches in diameter and could have taken someone(s) or something(s) out permanently.

We spent a good hour out in the alley, cutting the fallen limb down to manageable size and clearing the way.

This morning, when I took the dogs out, I was eyeing the tree and noticed another 'widow maker' hanging down over the alley.

I had to get kids to school, etc., but I couldn't just let that hang there hoping it would be OK, because it wasn't. So, I went up to the neighbor's house who owns the tree. They didn't answer my knocks, so I left a hastily scrawled note, and called Christian. He called the city and they were going to send a street safety squad out.

In the meantime, the neighbors with the scary tree came out and said they were going to try to take the branch down. I introduced them to another neighbor, whose property the scary tree has limbs hanging over and then I had to skedaddle.

Anyway, the saga continues. I love the lovely old willow ... up to a point where people's safety is involved. Here's hoping the neighbors do the right thing and not wait for significant damage to life or limb to force them to do something.

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