Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Pi, Pie, Pi, Pie!

PI-PALOOZA: It's Pi Day, that super special day of the year where you eat nothing but pie for a whole day, at least if you are hanging out with Magnolia Preparatory Academy folks.

Pi day, is, of course, really all about that beloved irrational number, an infinite decimal that starts with 3.14, hence Pi Day being March 14. 

The kids started their day off 'right' with apple pie for breakfast. We did not bake it, we scored it on sale for just $1.50 from a local grocery store. 
Lunch was pizza pie, which they shared during their Dungeons and Dragons club meeting today at noon. 
Dinner was a bit of a project. We made two gluten-free chicken pot pies. 

Making pot pie is a lot of work. We had to cube and cook chicken. We had to make chicken broth. We had to cut up onions and brown them. We had to peel, dice and boil potatoes. 
We had to get carrots, peas and green beans ready. We had to combine it all with some milk and cornstarch to make the filling.

Making the gluten free pie crust was the real challenge. I'm not great at pie crusts to begin with, Turns out that's also true of the offspring helping today. ...

CJ cracked eggs under the watchful eye of birthday boy Albert Einstein.
 We cut in butter and made disks of dough.
 Rolling out the first pair of crusts went well enough. 
Unfortunately, the second pair was pretty much a disaster, as someone blew right by the part of the instructions that say to add water one tablespoon at a time to the flour, salt, butter mix. The dough was waaaay too sticky. More than adding a bunch more flour could really fix. 

We par baked the bottom shells and filled them, adding a few crunchy onions for fun before topping them with our sloppy pie crust. 
The photos at the top of the post were of our pasty looking pre-baked pie. I guess I forgot to take photos of it fresh from the oven.

While it was a lot of work and the pie crust got the best of us, it was worth it, I guess. The pie was delicious. 

Tomorrow, we'll actually do some non-cooking related math. And eat healthier. :)

FLASHBACK: Thought I'd take this opportunity, Einstein's birthday, to share a favorite project from the past. CJ wrote this poem about Einstein as part of an Einsteinian physics class we took back in 2013. 

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