Thursday, June 8, 2017

Picture This

WHILE YOU WERE AWAY: I keep forgetting to post a little fun-with-Photoshop project the kids and I conducted a couple of months ago.

We had some friends go out of town for a bit and they asked us to swing by their place daily to make sure things looked A-OK. That was their first mistake.

I couldn't imagine just sending them a week's worth of "Yeah, your house is still there," comments. So, instead, we decided to make things a bit more interesting. We sent them photos of their house in various states of emergency.

I was a little afraid the first time I hit 'send' with the message about their house. 

The photo showed Godzilla attacking. My friend didn't see the dino, and thought her house was on fire. (It didn't help that we have an arsonist in our neighborhood).) Fortunately, she quickly recovered and saw the humor in it.

Our photo the next day showed her home was for sale. We told her there was good traffic at the open house. 
 Naturally, the aliens had to invade one afternoon. We told her they left when there were no signs of intelligent life in the home due to the family's absence.
 One day, their place went up, up and away, via baloons, like in the movie "Up."
And one day their house got tired of its family having all the vacation fun, so it went for a little trip, too.
 Painters got the wrong house one day, and painted our friends' place pink.
 And one day the Sharpei hive mind invaded the place.
On the last day they had a little plumbing problem. And clowns. Had to throw an evil clown into the mix.
All in all, it was big fun and they got a big kick out of it.

BEHIND THE PURLE MASK: This evening, CJ shared an interesting biographical video with me. It is about a gentleman who played Barney the Dinosaur for ten years.

I really, REALLY deplore that show, but the video was actually rather heartwarming. I'm glad we watched it.

HEARINGS: Like many others, we started our morning watching former FBI director James Comey testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee. It made for some interesting viewing over breakfast. 

These are interesting times in our United States of America.

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