MIND BLOWING MUSIC: Last Saturday night, we had the rare pleasure of seeing Roger Waters (and a terrific back up band and singers) perform live.
Last time we saw Waters was about three years ago, in Wembley Stadium! He performed "The Wall" in its entirety during that show.
This go 'round, he pulled from his 50+ year catalog of music. It was a night to remember. I'll let CJ tell you more, below. Just scroll past the flying pig photos. :)
Since 1967, George Roger Waters has been a prominent figure in the psychedelic rock music genre. For 20 years, (from 1965 to 1985) Waters was the bassist and singer of Pink Floyd, an iconic English psychedelic band.
On 25 June, I got to see Waters at the Tacoma Dome, a popular wooden stadium in Tacoma, WA. This was not my first time seeing Waters, as I got to see him during The Wall Live tour's stop in Wembley Stadium, in 2013. In contrast to last time, about 25% of this concert's content was from Waters' newest album, Is This the Life We Really Want? The other 75% was mostly music from Waters' previous work, particularly what he did with Pink Floyd.
For decades, Waters has held a hatred for war (due to his father disappearing in World War II). Waters also dislikes despots, and during the concert, this manifested in the form of scathing imagery targeted at President Donald Trump. This included a picture of Russian President (read: Dictator) Vladimir Putin holding Trump as a baby (referencing the Russian interference in the Presidential election last year), as well as a black-and-white slideshow of various appalling Trump quotes.MORNING STROLL: The weather this a.m. propelled us outdoors. It had been waaaay too long since we walked along the Puget Sound waterfront not far from our house.
We parked near the Louis Dreyfus grain terminal, Pier 86. From there, you could see the Princess Cruise ship parked at Pier 91, or Smith Cove.
We were surprised there wasn't a big ol' cargo ship at the grain terminal. As we got closer, we could see why.
Workers were crawling all over the structure, performing repairs and upgrades. If you look closely in the photo above, you can see a guy in an orange vest atop the tower. What a view he had!
There were also guys descending along with some sheet metal, just to the left of the tower in the photo.
We made our way to our turnaround point, the Olympic Sculpture Park.
We always stop to nod at the huge head. She never nods back.
And we stand next to the naked guy statute. The fountains jets were on high during our visit, so you can't see the little boy statue opposite him. You can see the Space Needle peeking in, however.
It was a wonderful morning along the waterfront.
LIFE HACK: Yesterday, I said bad words when I realized I'd accidentally recycled the cap to a hot sauce bottle.
Annabelle, who is forever reading or watching 'life hacks' on her phone quickly sprung into action, telling me she'd seen a video where a person used a balloon to seal a bottle.
It took about three tries, but she got it to work!
Following is a tutorial that shows the technique.
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