Monday, July 24, 2017

Finding Our Way

DAYS OF DISCOVERY: This weekend was full of not fun and hard work. We moved another garage full of stuff to the new place, and are realizing we have no place to put it. How can a bigger house not have as much room? It's a quandary. 

So, we find ourselves making hard edits and organizing - which is actually a great thing, right? So many bags to Goodwill, so many items to our new Buy Nothing group. 

Meanwhile, we're having to acquire a few new things. For instance, Saturday morning, we drove a truck to Bellevue to pick up a new (well, very used), smaller dining room table to replace the one we gave away that fit our old house. 

All in all, there's lots of give and take going on these days. 

However, we have been making time to make sure we get out and explore our new environs. 

For instance, this weekend we checked out our New Favorite Place, 8-Bit Arcade!

It's just a two or so miles from home, and it feels like home! Dozens of mostly retro video games and pinball machines. They serve beer and pizza and ice cream. What's not to love?

They have a space station pinball game I haven't seen before ...
 and a super fun Simpsons' pinball machine.
 They also have a Soul Caliber console, a favorite of CJ's, and CarnEvil, a cheesy, gruesome game.
They even have giant Jenga and a big ol' Connect Four game out on their back patio.
And right around the corner? A well-appointed, welcoming brew house, Four Generals.
Sunday night, we also checked out a local pizza place, Smoking Monkey. 
It has a sci-fi theme, and how could you not love a place that has "Dune" references on its menu, and a complete Star Trek beer list?!

We also discovered a park across the street, The Piazza.

Per the city of Renton's website, "The Piazza is a major focal point for downtown residents and provides a space for community-wide special events and activities. Situated on less than an acre of property, the park features a combination of paved surfaces, landscaping, benches, boulders, tree grates, and raised seat walls. The park also boasts two water features; a shallow "rushing river" and a fountain."

We saw the "rushing river" and the statue on its north shore.
We thought it might be a fun place to cool off on a summer day, but nooooo ...
So look, but don't touch. 

Below, the kids flirt with disaster.
All in all, moving is hard work, but we're really enjoying the new adventure.

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