Thursday, November 23, 2017

Gobble Gobble

TURKEY DAY: We had a happy Thanksgiving.  Mostly.

Actually, the day started with a clogged kitchen sink. Thank goodness we weren't hosting Thanksgiving dinner today! But if the sink was the worst of our troubles today, we're lucky, right!?

For Thanksgiving dinner, we headed to Olalla, where an aunt and uncle live (hi Ruthie & Bob!). There was some traffic on our way down there, but thanks to the Waze app, we made our way pretty painlessly. We arrived at 2:30, two 'turkeys' in tow. Actually, we just had the parts on board. We assembled on site. 

One turkey was a cheese, crackers and sausage platter (above). So easy and pretty cute. I'd already cut the cheese with rounded ends, and molded a cheese ball into a turkey-ish shape, added peppercorn eyes, a carrot nose and red pepper waddle. So assembly was just layering the stuff. Ten minutes, tops.   

Our other contribution was a fruity turkey. Grapes on skewers, a few strawberries on the body, a pear for a head, a pineapple body, and some strawberries. Blueberries made the eyes, it had a carved carrot nose, and a red pepper slice was its waddle.
We also brought along a cheesecake. The kids made it on Wednesday, from scratch. It had a gingersnap crust and raspberry topping. I've made it many a time before, but this was their first cheesecake adventure. I didn't have any, but based on the fact that it quickly disappeared after dinner, I'm going to guess it was a winner. :) 

The Thanksgiving table was loooong. I think there were 21 seated guests!
Our travels today weren't so much over the river, and through the woods as they were across the (Puget) Sound and into the woods. :)
All in all, a lovely day. 

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