Friday, December 8, 2017

Scenes from the Home Front

HOMEY: It seems like we're always on the go, because, well, we're almost always on the go.

But sometimes we're home. And when we are, we are constantly visited by a trio of hummingbirds. The three buzz all over our yard and hang out at our feeder multiple times daily.  Their very not creative nicknames are Reddy (he has a blazing red head), Lazy (she sits when she eats. Always) and The Other One. This is actually a Other One photo. She happened to be sitting at the time.

HUNTING: Yesterday we went looking for a Christmas tree. We've had our beloved vintage aluminum one for years, but this first year in a new home made us want to get a real tree, too. One we could then plant, to be specific.

I saw an ad for living Christmas trees - and live reindeer - at Kent East Hill Nursery. So, the kids and I headed up there yesterday. We checked out the reindeer, Twinkle and . *** was enjoying taking on an upside down Christmas tree with his antlers.
We moseyed out to the live tree section. There was not a lot to choose from (maybe 20 or so), and man, were they expensive (to me, at least). Most were around a hundred bucks, some were considerably more. Yikes.

I started eyeing dead trees nearby, but those were half a hundred, with nothing but a carcass to show for it come January. 

I was about to say 'skip it' when I checked out one last tree. I saw the name "Korean" on its label and read it aloud, knowing CJ would be instantly sold. (He has a mild fascination with things Korean, ever since "Gangham Style" was popular, I think.)

And so, Abies Koreana "Hostmann's Silberlocke," a Korean fir, joined our family.
It's not big, but it's pretty, and holds many Star Trek, Star Wars and Elvis ornaments, so what's not to love?

Meanwhile, it has been clear for a few days, and the mountain has been putting on a show. I love it when fog settles in the valley. With the mountain rising in the distance, it looks like a misty dream world!
YESTERDAY ONCE MORE: There is an astounding website that recreates every compelling moment of the Apollo 17 mission. Check it out here:

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