Thursday, September 27, 2018

Rough One

SHE SAID, HE SAID:  Today, we got our algebra in, and learned about subordinate clauses. Good stuff. 

But most of our day was spent on social studies - watching the coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing about Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
I wanted CJ and Annabelle to see and hear this, because I believe it is an event that will be talked about for decades.

This morning, Dr. Christine Ford painstakingly recounted her memories from a traumatic  event when she was a teenager, and alleges she was attacked by Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh. 
This afternoon, an angry, and at times belligerent, Judge Kavanaugh came out yelling and (figuratively) swinging.  He was anything but impartial when it came to party lines (contrary to his former testimony).

Granted, he's fighting for his career, but, for instance, when he refuses to answer a question about his conduct and instead asks a United States senator if she's ever been blackout drunk, well, to me, that's crossing a line, big time. Talk about deflecting.

I was hoping today's hearing would be a lesson in civics, but IMHO, there was little civil about it. Rather, It was a circus sideshow. 

I remember the Anita Hill testimony during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. It was 1991. I was horrified then. I am horrified now. 

I'd like to think we can do better than this as a nation. 

That said, I will be shocked if Kavanaugh is not confirmed. 

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