Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Bowled Over

SOUPER DAY: Today was the day. The day we helped host a fund raising luncheon for we weren't sure how many people with we weren't sure how much food.

That's not stressful, at all. ;)

I'm going to go ahead and guess that we had well over 120 guests - maybe 150 or more. And I know for certain that eventually there were over THIRTY different kids of soup offered up for diners. Wow!

Without a doubt, I will contend we had the best 'restaurant' in Seattle - or perhaps the state or region or country - today between noon and 1 p.m. It was amazing! Something for every palate and dietary restriction.

The kids and I left home at 7 a.m., our car packed to the GILLS with crockpots, soup stock, serving implements and more. It took us 1.5 hours to reach the event site, on Queen Anne hill in Seattle. Seattle traffic is so awful. :(

Once we reached the site, we got busy right away. We had to rearrange most all of the tables in a cafeteria/commons.  Each table got a table 'cloth,' heart cards, a card collection bag, special napkins (in heart shapes), a vase with handmade tissue paper flowers, crackers, and more. 

Fortunately, we had lot of help getting the tables ready from some students.

Meanwhile, parents were tremendously helpful organizing the soup donations. The intake involved labeling each with its name, its donor and ingredients. 
Honestly, the biggest challenge of the day was figuring out how to plug 30 crockpots into about 5 outlets, I kid you not, and to not trip all of the power all of the time. We brought multiple power strips with built-in surge protectors from home. That probably helped some.

We did blow a couple of circuits, but honestly, for an old school with weak wiring, I consider that #winning.

The event ran from 1 to 2. It was standing room only. So many people! 

There was musical entertainment (including a number of young kiddos singing "This Little Light of Mine"), and a nice video about volunteering for Teen Feed (where we help head up serving a hot meal once a month).
All in all, a fantastic day!

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