Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Making Progress

TIS THE SEASON: Fall is definitely in the air, with cool nights and spiders everywhere.

Dozens of little green tomatoes are hanging on for dear life, and we harvested all of our spaghetti squash this weekend. It was a bumper crop of squash - over a dozen in total, I do believe, all from just a couple of tiny seeds. Hard to believe!

WORK IN PROGRESS: A busy weekend around here. Work on our basement continues, and I'm happy to report we have all of the new flooring installed. Hooray!

Meanwhile, upstairs work has included a cake donation project for Birthday Dreams. Can you guess its theme? 
COLLEGE UPDATE:  Week two of college is in the books for CJ and he seems to have hit his stride, doing well on written assignments and tests.  Speaking of tests, while he didn't ace his first week of history, this week was a different story, thanks to an improved approach. In addition to taking notes while he read the textbook chapters, we discovered a website called Quizlet. There, you can find flashcard and other types of quizzes for most any textbook. It's amazing - and it's free!

Quizlet purports to have over 300 million (!) study sets online, and reports more than 50 million users from over 130 countries each month.

Fortunately, it has tests for the text CJ is using for history. He used the flashcards to prep, and it really worked. He scored 100 percent with relative ease this go round, so hooray for that!

SO FAR, SO GOOD: Annabelle has managed to complete a drawing for each day of InkTober so far. Here are three of her latest creations.  The prompt for the one below was "Freeze."
 The self-constructing robot was drawn for the theme "Build."
 The corny dog was drawn for the prompt "Husky."

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