Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Game Time

GAME FACES: On Sunday, we watched the Seahawks' final regular season game of the 2019 season. Fortunately, win or lose, they were going to make the playoffs. Unfortunately, it was lose. That means they're in Philadelphia against the Eagles next Sunday. We'll be watching, of course. 

CJ and Annabelle did their best to support the Hawks this week, donning Marshawn Lynch-related attire. One of Seattle's most beloved sports figures ever, Lynch (also known as Beast Mode) came out of retirement and made a surprising return to the Seahawks just for this playoff run. 

He did manage to score one touchdown with some big style points, but he wasn't a dominating presence, that's for sure. We'll see what next weekend brings.

TREK TIME: We still continue to play tabletop games together regularly, and Santa brought a few new ones into the fold.

We love the Looney Labs' game Chrononauts, and we love Star Trek, so you can imagine how excited we were about playing Star Trek Chrononauts.

I was excited when I drew my identity card for the first game and found I was none other than Captain James T. Kirk.
Unfortunately, I couldn't Kobayashi Maru my way to a win. Annabelle was the victor, completing her timeline and scoring the necessary artifact she needed.  Below are a few of the timeline cards.
After we were done playing, CJ started playing around with the new earbuds Santa brought him. I couldn't help but notice the name on the box, Tranya.
I told the table that that was the name of the drink an alien (Ron Howard's little brother Clint) invited Kirk to drink during the episode "The Corbomite Maneuver." 

I think knowing that gives me some pretty serious Star Trek trivia street cred. ;)

Also, can I point out that the Tranya logo looks an awful lot like Star Wars' Boba Fett's mask? Surely I'm not the only one who sees these things. ... 

PLANE SPOTTING: Speaking of Star Wars, on Saturday morning, I received a Facebook message from a friend who lives in Ohio. He told me Seattle would be getting a special visitor today, in the form of the United Airlines' special Star Wars airplane.

My friend knew about its whereabouts due to an app he uses, FlightAware. In the app, you can enter a plane's unique tail number to keep tabs on it. The Star Wars plane is ID N36272.

Unfortunately, when we were hoping to catch a glimpse, there were low clouds in abundance, and even delays due to fog at Seatac Airport.  Below, CeeJ and Bee stare out the window, hoping to glimpse the jet. (You can see the Seatac control tower in the distance from our living room and bedroom windows.)
There are a couple of other planes I'd like to track. Specifically, Norwegian Airlines' Freddie Mercury plane (EI-FVX), and NASA's "Super Guppy" (N940NS). I'm going to download that app and set up some alerts!

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