Friday, January 10, 2020

A Different Drummer

Neil Peart of Rush live in concert at the Xcel Energy Center on May 22, 2008. PHOTO BY MATT BECKER  via Wikipedia and the Creative Commons 3.0 license

ROCK IN PEACE: Today, the world learned that percussion virtuoso Neil Peart has left his Earthly the drum kit for parts unknown. I was standing in (a long, long) line at the grocery store when I checked my phone and saw the news.

"Oh no. This is a big one," was what I said out loud, to no one in particular. And then I had to explain to the kids (and everyone else within earshot) that Neil Peart had died. We here at MPA love all kids of music, and so they were familiar with Mr. Peart and his place in rock legendary.

Little did any of us know, he'd spent the past three-plus years stricken by brain cancer, poor soul. I'm glad he had his privacy during that time. Clearly that was his wish.

I heard Peart described today as "your favorite drummer's favorite drummer." I'll bet that's true in most cases. 

It certainly sounds like that's certainly the case with former Nirvana drummer and Foo Fighters' founder Dave Grohl, and Foo Fighters' drummer Taylor Hawkins.
Peart was in a league of his own.

Of course, he's best known for his work with the Canadian rock band Rush. The story goes that Peart arrived for his Rush tryout driving his mother's Ford Pinto, with his drums packed into garbage cans. The year was 1974.

Not only was Peart Rush's percussionist, but a lot of people don't realize he wrote many of the bands' lyrics, including some of their biggest hits. One that comes immediately to mind is "Tom Sawyer." The video below isolates on Peart as he plays during that song. It's remarkable.

My favorite Peart/Rush related story? Back in 2015, when we were still living in Magnolia, we were only about 7 minutes from Key Arena, where many concerts were held. (The venue is now closed and under renovation.) Christian and I were sitting at our computers on the evening of July 19, and a bit after dinner I said to him, "You know, Rush is playing Key Arena tonight." 

Turns out he didn't know that.

It was totally sold out, but I told him I thought he should try to go to the show. I would drive him right to the doorstep of the arena, circle the blocks a few times, and he could hold up a $20 bill, and see what happened.

We arrived about 5 minutes after the show was supposed to start, and what happened was that he got s $20 seat to see Rush on their last tour. I picked him up afterward and he was thrilled at having been able to go. What a wonderful night!

While Peart died on January 7, his passing wasn't announced until Jan. 10, which happens to mark the anniversary of David Bowie's death. A double whammy for today. And every day, really.

Rock in peace, Peart and Bowie.

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