Thursday, February 27, 2020

In Bloom

TA DA!: It finally happened! We have a daffodil in full bloom! Isn't it lovely?
It's been such a long darn dark winter. This is a real pick me up!

I promise I'll stop posting about daffodils soon. Probably right after the dozens along our driveway do their thing. :)

IN PROGRESS: CJ is at The Museum of Flight tonight, for his museum apprenticeship program. He's working on a display that launches next week. Here's a sneak preview of just the background and the headline banner ...
You can probably see that it's going to be about how dogs were used in the war effort during World War II. 

It has been fun learning about how dogs were employed in the war effort, and which kinds of dogs were pressed into service the most often. In the photo below, they were still accepting all comers. This changed before too long, as certain breeds proved to be not really cut out for the military life.


  1. I'd like to see that Paw Patrol display. How long will it be there?

    1. Good question - not sure, especially given the fact that the museum is now closed indefinitely ... :(
